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(02-02-2015 11:55 AM)realtimetony Wrote: [ -> ]Thanks and repped.

To automate this and scale it you need access to their social exploder site?
No the plugin pulls content vial flickr, yahoo and google. Automation is self hosted via your wordpress panel.
This is repackaged and is essentially the same product as SocialXploder and it sucked.
Thanks Guys

Max rep added

Thanks @demomeb and @P3ngu1n for your shares, reps given.
Just wondering if anyone can chime in, is SocialXPloder the same as their Weblify product? Or is Weblify a better product than their SocialXPloder?

Please advise.

Thanks demomeb for the excellent share. Although I am not a fan of monetizing through ad-sense or , may just give the product a spin. For once, such a "small" download (as in terms of size of download, compared to the 1GB or more for some downloads). :)

Max Rep. I can give is 3 rep for now. That is my max. Thanks.

Additional Mega Mirror
Magic Button :
OTO1 and 2 far more better than the actual product. But sigh both are online apps :(.
thx for share op +++3 rep backup mirror
Code: Content profits.7z
Thank for share bro :3

tusfile mirror
PHP Code: 
thank you..much appreciated..
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