01-31-2015, 12:37 PM
in the event you didn't hear it yet, there is a big boycott of zippyshare going on now!
zippyshare is dealing with scammers, criminals and virus writers because they are so greedy
because of us, zippyshare is making a lot of money, but it seems that is NOT enough for them, they want more money, so they are offering criminals and virus creators advertising, most companies do not allow this, zippy did't in the past, but they do now, that are actively seeking out these bogus advertisers, to make a dollar! it seems strange to me, that they make so much money already, they would care about the few pennies they are paid but such low life scum! there criminals account for less than one fraction of one percent of their total earnings, but they do not care! they want those extra pennies
zippyshare forget the basic rule of business, the CUSTOMER is the source of your income! the CUSTOMER makes the advertisers come to the site in the first place! WITHOUT the CUSTOMER, you would not have any need for advertising in the first place! as i stated before, i am NOT against pop ups, pop ups are the cost of doing 'business' with zippy and other sharing sites, however, the choice of pop-ups is THEIRS, and as i learned, they are actually seeking out these low life virus creators, to help them make more money, in the hopes that they earn MORE advertising dollars... my question for zippy is this, how is THAT going to happen? if people leave your site for better ones? without the bullsh*t virus pop-ups or screen freezing a.k.a. browser capture sh*t they are ALLOWING now? they claim that they are working to prevent that, but i found that is NOT the case!
recently a friend of mine here on the bbhf sent me a pm, he got a virus downloaded to his computer from one of these bullsh*t pop-ups from zippyshare, it automatically download the virus, and he DID NOT click anything, he is NOT a noob... now consider, the noobs out there, the kids who do not know better and the senior citizens, etc... i always like to use zippyshare, it was my preferred mirror for a long time, i used in on my websites and social media to share my personal files, etc... NO MORE!
we make zippy possible, NOT the scammers, who account for pennies, we make zippy thousands of dollars a week, and the purpose of this boycott is to 'hack' their bottom line! if we can't fix them, we will break them! JOIN US, i first started this boycott in the vip section, now hundreds upon hundreds of vip's have joined me... i ask that you do as well... please spread the word all over the internet, use the above image if you wish, create your own, comment below and tell zippyshare what you think VVV
hey zippy, you are officially on the sh*t list!