01-30-2015, 05:28 AM
Jayneel D;2093989 Wrote:ATTENTION Internet Entrepreneurs: The Ultimate Weapon to Get Offline Clients In 2015 And Beyond…
“Discover the ‘Secret Weapon’ To Getting High Paying Offline Clients From The Comfort Of Your Own Home…”
“… Step-by-Step System Reveals To Get Clients Practically BEGGING To Give You Money For Simple Services That Can Be Outsourced For Just A FRACTION Of The Cost”
“Best Part? You
don’t need any previous Offline Experience EVER. Heck, You Could Be
Signing Your First Client In As Little As 48 Hours From Now Using The
Simple 3 Step System.”
Don’t Believe Me? Here is what happened when others tried out this system:
Tuesday, January 22, 2014
From: Jay Daxini
Re: How you can invest just 20 minutes, and become an EXPERT and start getting clients that pay you a ton of money.
Dear Friend and Entrepreneur,
If you are looking for the perfect step-by-step detailed system to get
Offline clients that pay you 4 to 5 figures a month with ease, without
ever having to meet them face to face or leave your home, then read
every single letter on this page.
It doesn't matter if you are a seasoned offline marketer or just
starting out, what I am about to reveal could possibly change your
business and how you get clients forever.
Before I reveal to you what this “secret weapon” is, I want to say this...
Listen, I get it.
Making money online can be FRUSTRATING sometimes.
Especially with traditional methods where there is way too much work involved…
List building, SEO and product creation can be very tedious, time
consuming and it may take you a few weeks to a month before you start
seeing some real money.
Listen, if you have been looking for a way to make consistent income but
have failed to do so with other systems. I want to say…
I Totally UnderstandIt’s not your fault, you’ve probably heard a million opinions and
got some free advice (usually worth about what you pay for it) and you
are more confused than ever…
I was in the same situation when I started out. There is just so much
fluff and BS information thrown around, you can’t separate the good
stuff from the horrible.
When I first got into Offline Marketing I had no idea what I was doing. I
didn’t know how to sell, I had no clue on how to communicate with
business owners, no idea on how to set up deals.
The truth is selling to local businesses and getting offline clients can
be HARD, especially if you are new and don’t have the time to try the
gazillion different systems and see which one works for you.
If you can relate to any of those things - that’s OK. This is what I do, so help is on the way.
The Fastest Way To A Full Time Income
Imagine having the ability to walk into any business, or
get on the phone with a few business owners, knowing exactly WHAT TO
SAY and HOW TO SAY it to sell simple services for 4-5 figures?
And just like you add a sizable chunk of cash to your bottom line – would you like that? Yes?
Listen, I don’t have to sell you on how lucrative and profitable the Offline Marketing is.
I know you are smart enough to know this, that’s why you are reading this letter…
You see, I always figured that there are two ways to make $1000.
1. Sell something for $1 to a 1000 customers.
2. Sell something for $1000 to 1 customer.
I’d pick the latter at any given time of the day.
And I am guessing you would too.
Having to just deal with 4-5 high paying customers is SO much better and PROFITABLE than traditional methods.
This is why the Offline Market is HUGE.
Getting just a few of these chunks of cash can set you up with a decent monthly income fast!
Especially if they are high paying customers that I am about to show you how to get.
The “Secret Weapon” To Getting Offline Clients In As Little As 48 Hours from Now.
Here is the story: The “secret weapon” is
a powerful script that I personally wrote after having hundreds of
conversations with clients – both face to face and on the phone.
You see, I made all the mistakes imaginable. I got rejected more times
than I can count, had doors slammed on my face and was hung up on again
and again….
But here is what kept me going: Every once in a while the
conversation would just flow, the client would actually enjoy talking to
me and didn’t see me as just “another sleazy salesman” and all then of a
sudden – SALE!
Words can’t describe how amazing it feels to have that first sale...
As you can imagine, I wanted more conversations like these. I wanted to
figure out what exactly made these easy offline sales possible so I
could do it over and over again…
I recalled my past interactions with clients and carefully observed all
further communication. I got 20+ programs and courses on selling to
Offline clients. I studied and hand picked tips and tricks from some of
the best people in the industry!
After doing this for a while I recognized the pattern that was staring at me right in the face all along!
Here is what I found…
The following two things virtually guarantees a new client:
1. Creating Deep DESIRE and NEED for your service in the client’s mind.
2. Establishing Trust and Authority.
In all my successful interactions these two “key elements” made it possible to get high paying clients easily.
Imagine knowing the exact words to say that will create desire and need for your service AND establish you as an authority…
Imagine knowing the exact words to get the sale! As you can guess, after applying these techniques my sales soared!
Soon, I had more clients than I knew what to do with and a full time income I could rely on.
I am going to reveal all these techniques and much more in this easy to follow short guide that I have written for you.
Don’t worry if you have a fear of getting on the phone or think this is
going to too hard for you. I've seen shy, introverted guys use this
method to get clients.
It’s literally the closest thing to a “magic pill” solution to getting clients. Click the button below to secure your copy before the price rises!
I lay down the best possible step-by-step method to get clients wanting
to talk to you and pay YOU – all this and much more right from the
comfort of your own home.
My goal is simple. To give you the quickest and the most NO-BS way to make a full time income with Offline marketing.
An average high end Offline Client pays anywhere from $1000 - $10,000 a
month. Imagine getting just 3-5 of these clients…that’s enough income
for most people to quit their day job.
Wouldn't you agree?
The good news is that once you learn the exact step-by-step method laid
out in my book, getting 3-5 clients is going to be a piece of cake!
The best part?
You don’t build a single link or do any form of SEO, or website design…ever.
I’ll show you how to deliver on the promises of clients and keep them happy and paying you every month.
You could go out and read EVERY book ever written on getting clients
spend HOURS interviewing industry insider, and actually go out in the
field and DO this stuff like I have. or…
Follow the 3 Steps to Start Getting Clients
[b]1. Follow The Steps Outlined To Get Clients To Wanting To TALK To You.
2. Use The Script Inside “Secret Offline Weapon”.
3. Get Paid.[/b]
That’s it. I couldn't have made it any simpler for you!
Read this simple 22 page guide that condenses down everything I’ve
learned about how to get offline clients into a 20 minute read.
No fluff and NO B.S.
Just the raw information and systems you need to finally succeed and start making some real money.
You Should NOT Buy This If…
...you have bought into the idea that there exists a “magic money button” which you press anytime and cash flows out of it 24/7.
...you think that money comes in without putting any work whatsoever.
...you have unrealistic expectations about making money online.
If you share any of those above beliefs, go ahead and buy one of the $7
WSO’s on this forum that promise 7 figures, fast cars and mansions in
just 2 clicks...
Do me a favor and let me know when you find one that actually works.
I said this was the “closest” thing to a magic pill.
You WILL have to put in the work to set up the system and to see results.
No exceptions.
However, if you believe that actually doing the work and following
through a proven plan can bring you money, this is absolutely just the
perfect solution for you.
Here Is What’s Inside The “Secret Offline Weapon”
- How sign your first client in as little as 48 hours from now.
- How to become a powerful figure of Authority that takes home HUGE paychecks.
- The biggest client getting secret I stole from Frank Kern that is not published anywhere in this courses, books or seminars. (Sneaky, I know)
- How to use these two ninja sales
techniques: _____________& __________ to sell clients on the phone
in as little as 15 minutes.
- How most people literally murder the sale by making these three common mistakes! How to avoid coming off as “sleazy car salesman” looking to get money.
- Why trying to sell “Traditional SEO Services”
to Offline Clients is suicide and one of the dumbest things to try to
do. (There is a better way to sell SEO without getting rejected all the
- How to deliver the best possible
results for your clients so they pay you over and over again. (You
don’t have to do any SEO or anything…ever!)
- The Simple 3 Step system that got over 12 potential clients chase me to get on the phone with them (..and how I closed 3 of them)
- How to get High Paying Offline clients without paying a single cent on Advertising.
- These two
tactics____________&____________helped me overcome my fear of
talking on the phone and made me sound more natural and confident.
- The “Doctor Mentality” that helped me close 30% more clients!
I Can’t Take Full Credit for the System
I’ve closely observed, talked to, bought courses and interviewed some of
the best people in the industry who are the best at getting clients
and I added my own personal experiences to develop this system.
I condensed it all together in just 22 pages so you can absorb it quickly and start making money with it.
Don’t let the size fool you. Over 50 hours of research went into this project.
It is truly, the best of the best there is, and the system is simple and
FAST to learn so you can implement this information immediately.
Why Pioneers Get Scalped
There is an old saying in business “Pioneers get scalped but settlers prosper”.
Think about it, you go out and try this on your own.
Can you imagine how much faster and easier it is when you follow a
proven system of dozens of “Pioneers” before you that made 1000 costly
mistakes before being successful at getting offline clients?
Why it’s just $17
I'm only charging $17 for this manuscript, and not giving this book away, for 3 reasons.
1. $17 puts it within reach of the vast majority of people. It's
not too expensive for even the humblest beginning to start getting
2. Anyone who's not serious enough about their Offline Marketing
in 2015 to invest $17 into this report isn't going to take the time to
use the methods laid out in the report anyway.
3. Anyone who is serious enough to put down the price of a fast
food dinner and buy this report has the opportunity to learn exactly
how to get high end clients that result in a continuous monthly income.
So if you're serious about getting high paying clients in 2015, and if
you would like to start making real money with it click the "Buy Now"
button below.
If you need to justify the expense, skip eating out for dinner once this week and it's paid for.
Bonus: 3 Simple Productivity “Hacks” To Get Double The Work Done In Half The Time! (Limited)
Please Note: This is a paid product that I sell on my website ($7).
I am only offering for a limited time for the first 50 buyers to get
reviews. Are you frustrated because you keep browsing forums endlessly,
hang out on social networks while your next online project lags
Do you want to have more free time to do things you enjoy?
All the while knowing that you are going to get more money this month
because you’ve accomplished twice as much as last month?
Even for veterans, these productivity hacks can cut the time you spend
on your business so you can have more time with your family and
Here is what you will learn:
- The 8 Letter Word That Will Instantly Double Your Output Work
- __________________ allows you get things done that matter. (No, it’s not to-do lists)
- Why to-do lists are garbage and what you should be using instead.
- How to use this 30 second exercise to instantly “flip” the productivity switch in your brain!
- How To Wake Up Productive and Be Ready To Kick Butt
- How
to end procrastination once and for all and start implementing methods
that will bring you money! And Much more… [for 50 buyers only]
My “Double” You’ll Love It Guarantee
Guarantee #1 If for any reason you think my report isn’t the best
$17 you’ve ever spent just send me an email and I’ll gladly refund you
whole $17 big cash dollars.
Guarantee #2If you actually DO what I recommend for you to do in
the system and your results aren’t great, I’ll actually refund TWICE
your money.
All I ask is that you give me an honest effort.
How is that for fair?
I’ll Only Sell 100 Copies at This Price
Time is Very Much "Of the Essence"... I can't stress the time-sensitiveness of this offer enough.
Not only will the 100 Reports go quickly (at which point the $10
discount will expire) and trust me, you don't want to miss it...
Click on the "Add To Cart" button below to join now to get instant
access to Offline Client System 2015™ for Risk-Free for just $17.
A man who represents himself in court has a FOOL for a
lawyer and we all know that people who don’t read the instructions
SCREW things up.
Get help before you try to go out and get clients on your own or you
could screw up big time and when a full plan is only $17 Bucks, it’d be
pretty silly not to grab it.
Either give up on your idea, or get this report, otherwise your sure to
make GIANT mistakes, in areas you haven’t even thought of yet.
P.S. Remember: There is more real actionable information in this
TINY guide than you’ll get reading a dozen books, the systems inside the
report has worked for other people just like you, it’s 100% guaranteed
so you can’t possibly lose money. It’s a no brainer.
To your success,
Jay Daxini
Internet Entrepreneur Since 2008