Thanks Loomy, all reps used for the day. Sorry Brother.
Essential grid is pretty sweet, got it with Ultimatum. Only issue I've had with it is when using a custom post type for the grid you can't search against custom fields. There's a plugin to fix that with the standard WP search but no affect on EG.
Otherwise awesome plugin for displaying content.
Not downloading it but still rep to you Loomy
This has in it. After certain amount of time it redirects you to a video or website. Seems like every single copy of this plugin on the net has it.
It won't be picked up by virustotal.
Forgive me if I am wrong, but I used file seek to search for it, and it showed some files listed. So I am weary of trying this plugin.
I think I made a mistake. Forgive me if I did.
(01-30-2015 08:27 PM)utahman1971 Wrote: [ -> ]I think I made a mistake. Forgive me if I did.
pls confirm ;) or is it just bad experience in past releases ?
That thing was mofo annoying.. Bieber Failfest :/ it was mostly in formcraft tho, might have actually seen it in ESSgrid, but ive onyl recently started using this plug to begin with, so prolly missed all the headaches u guys went through ;P
and also bear in mind i dont post some junk i googled. its mostly (relatively) reliable sources, if not bought, but i cant promise i might miss something... not long back i generously sent some dudes a couple Backdoor Shells by accident lol (Forgot to remove, after using tehm to hack dev site in first pl;ace :D *golfclap*
But yeah also good to just confirm if or what , before any1 gets wrong idea