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What's up bbhf family?! Cool

Just wondering if an eBay syndication group would be viable for the purpose of gaining a good number of feedbacks and boosting DSR? Anybody up for this venture? Or is it too risky?

This idea came to me when I was doing some product research about a month ago and came across this seller who have several sold and live listings that cost less than 50 cents each.

Here's a link to his store:
Magic Button :

I check his feedback profile almost everyday and the number of positive feedbacks he gets from these listings are quite impressive. I then carefully checked each buyer's ID despite the censored part and found out that the people who are buying from him are all repeat buyers. So maybe this guy is part of a syndication group or something?

Let me know what you guys think.. Smile

Would be great if Quasar could throw in his 0.02

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