thanks razamomi
i tried that, but unfortunately it would'nt work.
it said in the error message
"the task image is corrupt"
and had to quit, when i let it continue, it would'nt work.
many thanks again.
Its a rare case, i don't know what i can do to help u
Sorry buddy !
ok, dont worry - thanks anyway - others got it to work - so its just my versions of windows
KMS won't work with Home Premium. It will activate perfectly with a loader. If I can work out how to PM you, I'll upload it and send you a link.
(02-01-2015 12:48 PM)TassieToo Wrote: [ -> ]@OMG
KMS won't work with Home Premium. It will activate perfectly with a loader. If I can work out how to PM you, I'll upload it and send you a link.
Loader uploaded and PM sent to you. :)
i tried on win 8.1 but not working ... no frame app shown anyway after installation successs...
what should i do then?
the shortcut seems not working after completing the setup :(