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[Image: InfoGraphic_Updated.png]
when all else fails, you take an old product and bring it back to life!
said another way, if it sold once, it will sell again!

'psycho profits' by psycho copywriter Richard G. Lewis is coming back to life
launching in feb 2015 as psycho profits 2.0

these are the new updated infographics, for the new offer, the original infographics were a bonus item in his first version he sold in 2013:
Magic Button :
Thanks for this, +5rep.
NICE share..many thanks!
Anyone have the main psycho profits 2.0 product?
(03-01-2015 01:32 AM)sentry Wrote: [ -> ]Anyone have the main psycho profits 2.0 product?
There's such a thing called...wait for it...

the SEARCH BAR !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
And you are assuming that I did not use the search bar? I do not find a thread that offers psycho profits 2.0 anywhere here on this forum.
@sentry: Try this link:

The title could be misleading (related to the sales letter it teaches you to write) but it is the same product.

I hope this helps.

And by the way, don't forget to thank the original poster -- Producer.
Thanks for this. Just printed this out.

Im aspiring to be a copywriter.
Thanks Layna, I did download from that thread. I was hoping to find the 2.0 version somewhere but I can't imagine there are many changes anyway/ Reps+ to you for being helpful!
@sentry: I see what you mean. I looked high-and-low for 2.0 but cannot find it. There are plenty affiliates promoting it with an image that clearly says Psycho Profits 2.0; but when I click on any of these links, I go straight to a Warrior Forum post (from 2012?) where he sold the first edition.

Let's hope someone can find and share it.
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