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Full Version: [GET] Sparkol Videoscribe v2.1 Full Release crack by figgler
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@ratzazz: Use it offline to access the music. Use the ones that you have from previous installations. :)
(02-11-2015 02:00 AM)parsibagan Wrote: [ -> ]@ratzazz: Use it offline to access the music. Use the ones that you have from previous installations. :)


I could never get it to download any of the new images to begin with.

@ratzazz: I've downloaded most of them. I was unable to download the .gif's, rather did not download them because they were horrible. Send me a bottle of Martian beer and I'll upload them for the entire community along with instructions. ;-)

P.S.: Wait for a few days. Have notified the medicine man and am waiting for medicine for the latest version.
(02-11-2015 03:03 PM)parsibagan Wrote: [ -> ]@ratzazz: I've downloaded most of them. I was unable to download the .gif's, rather did not download them because they were horrible. Send me a bottle of Martian beer and I'll upload them for the entire community along with instructions. ;-)

P.S.: Wait for a few days. Have notified the medicine man and am waiting for medicine for the latest version.
come'on man!! we work here for mankind, not for a beer :D you are the champ, you have our love. upload it to save the humanity :D
@devilsdad: Yep, I do work for mankind, but I have 76 wives from Mars, and they need Martian beer. ;-) Give me a few days please. :D back at you.
The provider made an update. Have you tried whether the update fixes all the above errors posted before the update?
@parisgaban: Lol you got plenty of pretty wives man, parcel couple of them to me ;) anyway waiting for your treat :P
hey guys. i am using latest version 2.1.1 which was released by ratzzz on 12 feb 2015. it worked okay for a day and now it freezes at 50% loading at images library. any clue? i tried with my email pass and with random email pass as well. no luck so far. internet is working alright.
Hi guys,
The fix is not working anymore :( I have reinstalled but no luck. Do I have to make another email ID whenever my trial is expired?
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