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[GET] [Offliners] Whitepaper-How to Nail a Mobile Campaign

Quote: Mobile Marketer Daily Email notification re:

How to Nail a Mobile Campaign Using SMS and Mobile Apps

It's only 9 pages.

It's free but you'd have to optin and probably get a phone call.

But these types of things are 1. Great to print out and leave with prospective clients after a sales presentation 2. Incorporate it as an example of possible uses of the technology during your sales presentation. 3. Use it as a discussion point on a blog post. 4. Use it to stimulate ideas for other applications for your clients/potential clients.

btw...if you're in the mobile/local arena...subscribing to Mobile Marketer Daily is a good idea.

For instance, today has an article about how Kelloggs had 40K QR code scans from the back of the cereal box...way more than texted. That's an important stat to remember...and use in sales presentations.

From that idea (no WSO's please) I thought about how pizza locations could do something similar with QR codes on pizza boxes....

Direct Download (no optin):

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