Thanks for the New Shinny Object JS +5 Reps to you!
This just might be worth it to check out...
If you look at the Source Page (Right click View source page)
It looks like it's just an html page
You can swipe this page real easy by highlighting the source page
and paste it into natepad+++ (which is Free - Bing It) and save it in a folder and name it
what ever you like (GotIt.html) or (index.html) as it looks like he is hosting all the graphics on Amazon S3 just make sure you download all the images and the styles.css
Okay I did it for you!
This is everything including the sales video
Anyone know if the sales page is a custom job or one provided by clickfunnels or some other service like lead pages? Its perfect for a an upcoming project, colors, design and all.