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Last coupon still works. Very nice, thank you. Rep added
Hey, gang. I'm Nick Fox, the creator of this course. Saw a handful of you guys grabbed this code in my analytics so I decided to stop by and say I hope you enjoy it.

It seems the most recent coupon is still active (It may go down any second now depending on what time zone Udemy uses) and there are a handful of copies of it left. Since the instructors in the group aren't pouncing on it, you might as well get some use from it.

I will be adding to the course as it grows, and I will likely stop back here once it goes live for real, since you all seem very passionate. So keep an eye out for that.

There won't be any more codes until the course it live (sorry) but feel free to reach out if you have any questions I can help you with.

new coupon please, thank you ...
As soon as Udemy officially approves the course, I will create a limited number of free coupons for the launch. So keep an eye out for those this week. And once in, feel free to join the conversation in the course discussion. This course is designed for people who take action, so it's nice to see what people do with the materials.

After that, if there's still demand, I will be more than happy to share some discount coupons in the other Udemy board here for people who want to make the most of their careers.

Bump for new coupon please...
Well, just about an hour ago, my course was officially approved, so I'm back, and as promised I come bearing a free coupon.

There are only a limited number of free coupons for this launch and after that, there will be NO MORE FREE COUPONS. So act fast. This code expires at 12:59:59 PM on Thursday Night, so grab them now! After this, you will have to pay if you want this incredible system.

Once in the course, please feel free to join the discussion. This course is for people who want to take action, and I'm always willing to help those who take action.

Enjoy, and I'll see you inside the course.

Thanks for the share thenickfox. Rep +5 given to you!
Thanks, apromise. I hope you get something out of the course!

Only 25 Coupons
Jeffree123, the BBHF_Free code actually has even more availability in it. The Studio coupon was for 100, but the one I made for this forum had 150. So if the one you shared expires, the other one I posted will still work for a little.

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