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Anyone have the direct access or FTP location for this all awesome Shutterstock Image Files?
(01-22-2015 03:05 PM)nextboyband Wrote: [ -> ]Oh! i'm sorry, i forgot to tell something,.. what i have is ONLY PHOTO STOCK, not vector, and my collections are all in 2012.

after i see all image id, that're all vectors,.. so i can't find it on my collections, LOL

i'm sorry,..But if what you need is PHOTO, let me know, may be i have it. again, i'm sorry


(01-22-2015 01:24 PM)Burak01 Wrote: [ -> ]Waww, such a great thing you are doing ! I wanna get couple pictures, If you can help me I will be so happy :)

1. Image ID: 219472354
2. Image ID: 215627971
3. Image ID: 218675761
4. Image ID: 184474730
5. Image ID: 170643338


here'ere what i have on my collection

[Image: collection_1.jpg]


[Image: collection_2.jpg]
Can you PM the download link, sir? Is this PLR Stock photos? I need it so
(02-09-2015 03:56 AM)johnk7 Wrote: [ -> ]Thanks for the share. I would love all images under the search keyword of fetal. I have searched photononstop. I like all the image.
Hi guys, I'm Gilles owner of Photononstop and Onoky brand in Paris. I's really cool you love our images, but please do pay when you use them.
We are not a big company and we have to pay photographers who shot the pictures. Cheers!
  • Image ID: 127912793
For PREMIUM STOCK PHOTOS GO to --- PIXABAY.COM -- Register for an account and that it. Most of the photos are FREE

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