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Full Version: Looking for a serious website partner to make serious MONEY
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guys i am looking for a serious partner or employee to make some serious cash, i can give you guys a brief explanation on what its going to be and how there is potential to make money

1. I have this idea that i discussed with a friend but not detailed , but he is so interested to be a manager and to promote this website, its been about 2 months and about 100 - 150 people are waiting for the lunch of this website

2. Basically its not going to be any investment website or anything in particular its very client based focus website i can explain to someone that is serious in becoming a partner and i am also looking for someone who has experience in playing around with websites such as (example:) - headers, titles, details, columns, arranging different topics ,categories , subjects and so on if you get the picture)

if you need more information i will also be explaining it more again in detail

3. Going over the website again, i will be creating it and i would need help with some areas of the website such as the things that i mentioned above ^^^

4. After the website is lunched i have promoters and SEO specialist to promote the website even further

5. Also we have instagram account , phone number , and live chats and of course we have the customers that are waiting for the website to be lunched

for further questions add me on SKYPE : designerbrandslist
Can you send me more details via pm. Thanks.
am so interested plz pm me
Yes please PM me as well
(01-22-2015 07:51 AM)bigo12 Wrote: [ -> ]am so interested plz pm me
[b]please add me on skype


(01-22-2015 07:51 AM)Ringtail3030 Wrote: [ -> ]Yes please PM me as well

add me on skype
thank you

PM me more info please.. I am interested.
(01-26-2015 09:05 PM)Roment Wrote: [ -> ]PM me more info please.. I am interested.
sent you a pm

Still looking for one more person
Please send more details
i am in, do let me know more info
i am now looking for marketers and SEO specialists

let me know if you can do that job
thank you
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