01-19-2015, 06:21 AM
The surest way I know
to get from zero up to
one million (dollars)
in no time flat …
to get from zero up to
one million (dollars)
in no time flat …
![[Image: clayton_makepeace-150.jpg]](http://www.awaionline.com/_img/photos/portraits/clayton_makepeace-150.jpg)
Clayton Makepeace, million-dollar copywriter
Dear Copywriter,
So far in this webinar series, I’ve shared my techniques for writing more effective copy in less time – a sure way to multiply your income many times over. Now, in this report, I’m going to share one of the biggest secrets of my success with you. I’m also going to share a couple of things I use that could make ANY sales copy you write from 2 to 10 times better!
But the main thing I’m going to tell you about is the secret that turns a good living into a dream living.
It’s the one thing that can have marketing companies knocking on YOUR door — and willing to pay you more and more money.
I’ve developed my own method for snowballing your income with the use of VSLs
It’s called The Makepeace Method for Making a Fortune Writing Video Sales Letters. I call it The Makepeace Method for short.
But this program is more than just a “how-to” about how to write a wildly successful VSL script.
I’m also going to show you everything that goes along with it — knowledge that can make you an expert on VSLs and Internet marketing. That places you light-years ahead of most copywriters.
Now, I don’t want you to be intimidated. I know you may think that VSLs are very hard to do.
My system is so easy to follow a child could do it.
And in it are the secrets to how I became one of the highest-paid copywriters.
So let me give you a look at what you’ll get
when you join The Makepeace Method:
You’ll get the core of my system in 8 Sessions you can watch on video or listen to on audio, complete with printouts — teaching you the “heart and soul” of the system I’ve developed that consistently produces multimillion-dollar VSLs.
Just so you understand, you won’t find my system anywhere else. This is the result of all my years of writing and marketing, trial and error, and testing and testing and testing.
Frankly, it would take most people years to put together anything like what I have. And even if they took the trouble … they probably wouldn’t have the variety of experience I’ve had, and be able to reveal all the tricks and techniques I do.
Once you’re armed with this system, you’re in a position to not only teach clients things they need to know, but you’ll also be ahead of thousands of copywriters who would like to do this but won’t know anywhere NEAR what you know.
Personally, I know of only one group of marketers producing VSLs on this level — and they’re NOT teaching anyone.
But my philosophy is a little different — I think if there were some more people who could do this, it would be good for all of us.
So I’ve carved out the time to create this program and try to get some of you up to where you could help some of the companies I work with, or better yet — help ME with a client who’s got a need greater than I can supply!
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