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Can somebody share this?

Can't access that link
...can anyone else share this?
Here ya go.
Magic Button :
(01-16-2015 10:55 AM)deadendkid Wrote: [ -> ]Here ya go.
Magic Button :
You have 2 accounts VIP and non VIP.... Tongue
Hey 1up.
Please explain that remark.
I hope you are not suggesting that I am taking from the VIP section and posting in this section for credit.
I look forward to your reply.
(01-17-2015 12:56 AM)deadendkid Wrote: [ -> ]Hey 1up.
Please explain that remark.
I hope you are not suggesting that I am taking from the VIP section and posting in this section for credit.
I look forward to your reply.
What to reply
What does this mean.

"You have 2 accounts VIP and non VIP...."
Rep added, thanks a lot!!
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