This is my first post, so if I screwed up.... Sorry
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The upsell is a completed funnel, but the example is so riddled with typo's I doubt that the author actually ever used it.
Nice share yoricky! REPs given.
This is an interesting first share.
In the future, you want to put a code tag between the hide tags. So it would look like this (note that I did not put the right and left brackets in this example so it will show up here):
code link-goes-here /code
Thanks again for the share!
Thanks for your first share and looking forward to see more from you. Wish someone shares the OTO. Would like to see how 'his' pre-built funnel is. Repped.
@yoricky, this is a great share. Max rep given. Thanks
GREAT first share yoricky.
It looks like you do have the OTO and even if is buggy I would still like to see it for educational purposes.
If you do share it some of us would surely edit the bugs and reupload it.
+5 Reps - Thank you very much for this awesome share!
Thanks for the share.
Has anyone got the outsourcing report he sells as an OTO? Would really appreciate it.
Also has anyone else noticed that there are parts missing that he says he has included, ie the freeway to get first client, FB Ads booklet and call script. Don't think I missed them.
If you get one client to pay you $1k, then you can invest enough in advertising to get an other $1k client and again and again, but if you're charging only $10 bucks for your products and services, what budget would you have to invest in advertising? $2, $3, even $5? That won't get you a new $10 clients at all.
My d*** logica:
$selling price for this course is $10. I think it sounds like BS Just my 2 cents
Thanks OP for Share I Gave you reps for the Share!
I'm like MirrorBird I'm calling BS. First of all if this was such a great strategy I wouldn't be wasting my time selling a course on how to guide in marketing.
The second problem I see with this is that the individuals website don't exist anymore telling me he FAILED at this.
Let me give you a real world real fact finding mission to complete. I have a website with a google local places page that I get up to 11 calls per month from residential to commercial for handyman services. I win bids or do service calls anywhere from $100 to $4,000 per call with repeat business in property management companies.
I will give you a key word only for google, bing or yahoo do the search and you will find my business in the 1st or 2nd position in local search results.
Its geo targeted so keep in mind you will have to search the right keywords. My company name is Handyman Services
Handyman Services Memphis
Handyman Services Memphis TN
If you lived in Memphis you only need to type Handyman Services and my business will be in the top results of local listings.
In fact at the time of writing this I'm getting ready to go meet with a property management company from California on a 40 unit mobile home park.
So as you can see I know my Shift! And I say this guide is pure crap.
BTW my listing and website was with ZERO advertising cost! I do not promote my business at all.
Thanks for sharing chikfilet- nice looking site too. Looks great- appreciate a good example and your opinion on the guide, not going to waste my time! + rep for taking the time to share.