01-14-2015, 09:29 AM
Primary Features:
- CPC Bidding/Pricing Options
- Ad Performance Stats section
- Optimization and Alert Profiles
- Store Unique Token from Traffic Source as a separate token
and allow Passing Token to
Additional Pixels
- Allow {!subid!} placeholder in the offer URLs - will be
replaced with the actual subID
before redirecting to the offer page
o Allow {!subid!} placeholder in additional pixels
- Allow grouping after Day and Hour in Stats Page
- Exported CSV files keep the sort conditions of the
original table/grid that was exported
- Optimize columns size in database
- Improved queries from base pages for speed and volume
- Improved Redirects for fast load times on all base links.
- Improved error messages on campaign setup pages
- Improve sorting in Stats
- Improved additional server-to-server pixels – curl library
- Improved Clickbank Conversion Postback functions…define
the Clickbank secret code -
more security when calling the Clickbank pixel
- Changed the parameter for Failure Campaign ID instead of
'c' to avoid conflicting
parameters in offer pages/urls.
- Predefined tokens for Traffic Sources; option to use these
predefined tokens in the
campaign setup pages from simple dropdown menu options.
- Added Tooltips in Campaign Setup Pages for reference.
- Ajax Spinner images added to show when operations are
running/executed from within
the interface.
- Sort timezone options in dropdown on the Settings page
- jQuery effects in many application pages, for example when
showing/hiding sections or
removing items
- Hide inactive campaigns in dropdown selection menus
- Save sort conditions on the Campaigns page - when you
login again the sorting order
will be saved from the previous visit
- Priority 0 option (used for direct traffic) - always
removes the existing tracking cookie
- Allow SSL redirects when Redirect Loop method is used
- Option in the campaign setup pages to control if the
referrers will be captured
- Extra Tokens are not passed to Level 2+ LPs, only to Level
1 LP and Offer Pages (when
- Ability to remove referrers from the database
- Option to change/customize redirect page names
Info : http://cpvlab.com/special/
Download : http://[Reported by Members as SPAM THREAD].biz/18