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LOVE your Avatar, NonConformer. I think it was the OP that started the ruckus.

Obviously the owners of BBHF can run the site any way they please, and more power to them. I support them all the way. I don't have strong hacker skills, and I think everything I've got is already shared here. So I originally thought I'd support the forum with whatever the minimum membership level might be. I could never figure out how to do that, so I just let it ride. I can give my 1 rep, and comment from time to time, and be perfectly happy. Like I said earlier, I'm really grateful for BBHF.

There is one other thing that seems strange, now that I think about it. I keep seeing teasers for things like the Torrent project, but when I click on the link to find out more, I'm denied access. Seems counter-productive.
Eh, it's not a big deal. We just want the freebies open for all and no gate or hoping through hoops to VIP or anything else. That's the hole point of these sections.

As for the torrent project, that is a VIP project.

It's a an archival/mirroring project, but a lot of people have posted it in their sig to help build it up a bit. There's a LOT of vip members on this forum.
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