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Full Version: Get Free Unlimited Hosting and Domains for more than 1 Page on Blogger
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Its better to buy domain and hosting than all just costs $2.25 at ipage for a month of hosting+domain+ unlimited space+ ad credits etc...

WHy not go for it ?

This is a Very lengthy method and requires a lotta time and even little bit of things like uploading an image in a post can be tedious.....
Thanks bluenose10 . max reps for you!
(05-11-2015 03:34 AM)Vyshakh Wrote: [ -> ]Its better to buy domain and hosting than all just costs $2.25 at ipage for a month of hosting+domain+ unlimited space+ ad credits etc...

WHy not go for it ?

This is a Very lengthy method and requires a lotta time and even little bit of things like uploading an image in a post can be tedious.....

I have to agree.
The methods mentioned and shared here are mainly for the hosting of the site. What about the "domain", can we also customized the domain name for a hosted site in bl0gsp0t?
bluenose10 thanks. +Reps Added
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