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Stan Billue, THE Sales Training Legend

proudly presents an all new Sales Training Series

to take you from Zero to Hero in 30 Days or Less

"30 Days 2 Greatness in Sales"

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thanks for +reps 500!
let me know ur experience in 30days... Smile
Thanks a lot for this share. Heart

+Reps max as possible! Cool
Thank bro, reps added
I lov stan billue. I wonder how new, recent is this material of his ?? Big Thanks and Repp!
Stan Billue is the best cold call trainer in my opinion.
This is his last series of training, it's what he is promoting lately from his interviews.

He is very entertaining to listen and watch as well, not boring.

Make sure to listen and write down every little golden nugget he gives you.

Stan really is one of the best at training people to be great slaes people. If you want or need to improve your sales skills, this is the guy to listen to.

Thanks for this great share.

+5 Rep Points given.

nice share indeed, +5 reps as well ;)
Yeah I agree guys I enjoyed stan billue's materials as well. It's sad that he is no longer with us though.

looks promising. thanks!
Thanks for sharing.
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