Thanks OP for this great share. I need an other one from this website as well. Sent you a PM for an other source code. Hope you will consider
+Rep also added.
I may be wrong but Virus total says this iscontains a virus designed to steal money. I suggest you check it and make a decision. I will rep anyway because I don't think it is the uploader's intent to swindle the F*** out of people. Rather they have uploaded it in good faith.
(01-12-2015 04:33 AM)justin4672 Wrote: [ -> ]I may be wrong but Virus total says this iscontains a virus designed to steal money. I suggest you check it and make a decision. I will rep anyway because I don't think it is the uploader's intent to swindle the F*** out of people. Rather they have uploaded it in good faith.
what do you mean by a "virus designed to steal money"?!!!!!! can you please let us know how does that work?!!!!!
(01-12-2015 04:53 AM)CrushOverRide Wrote: [ -> ] (01-12-2015 04:33 AM)justin4672 Wrote: [ -> ]I may be wrong but Virus total says this iscontains a virus designed to steal money. I suggest you check it and make a decision. I will rep anyway because I don't think it is the uploader's intent to swindle the F*** out of people. Rather they have uploaded it in good faith.
what do you mean by a "virus designed to steal money"?!!!!!! can you please let us know how does that work?!!!!!
I really don't know. There are conflicting sources of information. I suggest you do a virustotal check and find information regarding the results and make a decision. Some say it is not a visrus and some do. Strange. However it may be that it is legitimate and I may be totally wrong. I apologise if I am.
what i want to know is from where did you get this "virus designed to steal money"?!!!!!!
i have shared lots of stuff, and never shared infected files.....
(01-12-2015 05:15 AM)CrushOverRide Wrote: [ -> ]what i want to know is from where did you get this "virus designed to steal money"?!!!!!!
i have shared lots of stuff, and never shared infected files.....
Dude I just ran a check on it. I am probably wrong and if I am I am sorry. It could have embedded code for ads, it could be nothing. The information is conflicting.