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I am trying to find some alternative URL scrapers

What I wnt it to do is provide me with a list of URL's from Google for a given exact match keyword phrase. I can then import those URL's into a spreadsheet and search the URL's for a string in their URL.

I have Scrapebox but I can never seem to get it to give me results these days, I do not know what I am doing wrong, I just want to enter a keyword and get results. I tried a test before making this post and put kim kardashian as the keyword on all Platforms and got zero results from Google.

Maybe it is overkill so I figured there must me other tools that can simply provide me with a simple list of URL's so many pages deep for agiven keyword, but it seems hard to find.

Any suggestions of a product I can GET to try out would be appreciated.

I'm not completely sure but Semantix Pro may be sort of what your after.......although it's more for keyword scraping.......perhaps check it out see what you think? At any rate i will see what I can come up with in the meantime.


Scrapebox is *the* tool to do this.
What problem are you facing there? I could find results without problems (even for Kim Kadarshian :)).
Reference URL's