01-04-2015, 12:50 PM
Happy 2015 Everyone!
Last year (December 27, 2014) , I was watching the biography of Elon Musk on Canadian Netflix. I didn't know much about Elon Musk other than the fact he owns Tesla Motors electric car company and I have got to see one of the TESLA car models last summer when I was in Vancouver.
Anyways, to my surprise I found out that Musk was also one of the co-founders of famous Internet company called paypal which was sold to eBay for $1.5 Billion in 2002 and he owns another company called SpaceX which was able to create rockets at a much cheaper rate than NASA's rockets and they can also be reused and launched into space multiple times. Take that NASA!!
This guy has wowed me because he really is the definition of success. Not only that, but he is also multi-achiever in 4 different areas as an Internet Marketer, Electric Cars Entrepreneur, Space Entrepreneur and even Solar Energy sector. He is currently worth $8 Billion. If you haven't seen his autobiography, I really advise you to watch it. It's definitely one of the most interesting autobiographies I have watched.
But after I was finished watching his autobiography, I was kinda of pissed because even though the autobiography covered almost everything in his life from his childhood, his marriages, to him almost going bankrupt in 2008, they didn't cover the most important part which was his work ethic and how he spent his typical days.
I noticed that this is actually a big problem that most people have. People are very lazy. People always ask themselves what would they do if they had an $X amount of money but rarely do they ask themselves what are they planning to do and sacrifice to acquire $x amount of money.
I think that we tend to focus on the rich successful people from the wrong angle. We should be focusing on how hard they work and what they do on a daily basis instead of how big their houses are and how many awesome cars they have which TV shows like MTV cribs shows us .
So I created this thread as our New Years resolutions for all of us whether it be newbs (like me :D) who desperately want to start making money online or the non-newbs who are already making some money online and want to make even more .
But I think that in order to deserve that high reward of online automated income, we have to match it with the right work ethic. So here is my question to the higher achievers of us who already have it all figured out and want to contribute :
-tell us your story of how you were finally able to break the cycle and start making money online? What did you start doing differently that worked?
-tell us of how you spend your typical days now working. (how many hours do you spend everyday? how you divide your time daily choosing what to focus on?..etc).
The questions are more focused on "How you do.." than "what you do.." so it is not intended to reveal your secrets to competition. If you do not want to share what business you are in, that's fine. Just tell us about your mindset.
Last year (December 27, 2014) , I was watching the biography of Elon Musk on Canadian Netflix. I didn't know much about Elon Musk other than the fact he owns Tesla Motors electric car company and I have got to see one of the TESLA car models last summer when I was in Vancouver.
Anyways, to my surprise I found out that Musk was also one of the co-founders of famous Internet company called paypal which was sold to eBay for $1.5 Billion in 2002 and he owns another company called SpaceX which was able to create rockets at a much cheaper rate than NASA's rockets and they can also be reused and launched into space multiple times. Take that NASA!!
This guy has wowed me because he really is the definition of success. Not only that, but he is also multi-achiever in 4 different areas as an Internet Marketer, Electric Cars Entrepreneur, Space Entrepreneur and even Solar Energy sector. He is currently worth $8 Billion. If you haven't seen his autobiography, I really advise you to watch it. It's definitely one of the most interesting autobiographies I have watched.
But after I was finished watching his autobiography, I was kinda of pissed because even though the autobiography covered almost everything in his life from his childhood, his marriages, to him almost going bankrupt in 2008, they didn't cover the most important part which was his work ethic and how he spent his typical days.
I noticed that this is actually a big problem that most people have. People are very lazy. People always ask themselves what would they do if they had an $X amount of money but rarely do they ask themselves what are they planning to do and sacrifice to acquire $x amount of money.
I think that we tend to focus on the rich successful people from the wrong angle. We should be focusing on how hard they work and what they do on a daily basis instead of how big their houses are and how many awesome cars they have which TV shows like MTV cribs shows us .
So I created this thread as our New Years resolutions for all of us whether it be newbs (like me :D) who desperately want to start making money online or the non-newbs who are already making some money online and want to make even more .
But I think that in order to deserve that high reward of online automated income, we have to match it with the right work ethic. So here is my question to the higher achievers of us who already have it all figured out and want to contribute :
-tell us your story of how you were finally able to break the cycle and start making money online? What did you start doing differently that worked?
-tell us of how you spend your typical days now working. (how many hours do you spend everyday? how you divide your time daily choosing what to focus on?..etc).
The questions are more focused on "How you do.." than "what you do.." so it is not intended to reveal your secrets to competition. If you do not want to share what business you are in, that's fine. Just tell us about your mindset.