I get an error message when installing the theme : The package could not be installed. The theme is missing the style.css stylesheet.
EDIT: Sorry , I realized I had to unzip it and then find the theme there.
(01-08-2015 12:12 PM)SEOBEAST Wrote: [ -> ]I get an error message when installing the theme : The package could not be installed. The theme is missing the style.css stylesheet.
EDIT: Sorry , I realized I had to unzip it and then find the theme there.
Alright good to hear everything is fine!
Enjoy it!
(01-11-2015 11:05 AM)BurtonW Wrote: [ -> ]Thank you :) reps added
thanks alot, hope you enjoy it!
new release anyone ?????
= January 27, 2015 =
Fix: Template for imported jobs.
= 2.0.4: January 16, 2015 =
New: Pull translations from Transifex.
New: Filters in Stats widget to existing stats can be used as a pad.
New: Add Envato WordPress Toolkit to TGMPA.
Fix: Respect the menu order on the pricing page template.
Fix: Make sure the resume map height properly adjusts as well.
Fix: Pricing table string updates.
Fix: Log in to Bookmark style fixes.
Fix: Gravity Forms confirmation message style fixes.
Fix: Check WPLANG directory for translations. jobify-xx_XX.mo/po.
Fix: Add .button-white class for CTA section.
Thanks, good share. Reps added.