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Full Version: [REQ]Yoast - WordPress SEO Premium v1.5.1
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I see, on different plateform, blog, forum...the new Update for this beautiful plugin.
He is nulled by dospel and ganjaparker...
I do not know if I should trust to the insaller...

I wait your opinion my friends.

Hey Buddy,

I have uploaded the Yoast - WordPress SEO Premium v1.5.1 on zippyshare here the link to it


Use the Usual Password of forum.

Best Regards,
I'm working on deobfuscating the license manager. I'm about 90% finished but I can vouch for it

Well, it does have this persons name in it.
$pkdkkeh = array("key" => "", "status" => "valid", "expiry_date" => "");

Loomy, if you come across this post, can you tell me what the other obfuscation routine was other than the hex?
It's like there's an extra escape or something in there.
posted the license manager for this over here
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