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Full Version: windows Christmas Edition 2015(x64) Incl Activator+software package By TEAM OS|6.87 GB
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[Image: windows-Christmas-Edition-2015x64.png&am...%7C6.87+GB]

Namse :- Windows CHRISTMAS Edition 2015
size :- 6.86gb
format :- iso
Release date :- 21/12/2014
Authur :- TEAM OS
Language :- English
based OS :- Windows 7 Sp1 Ultimate
Activation :- no, use given activator which added in desktop
HDD Space :- 25gb(Recommended)
A Little Gift for all of you guys at the moment of Christmas From TEAM OS and HKRG
Detail of Pre-installed Software :-
1. Microsoft office Activated 2010
2. Nero v.8
3. firefox 35 beta 3
4. google chrome
5. opera
6. DiredctX 11 3D
7. flash Player
8. Adobe Acrobat Reader 11
9. Metro Sidebar
10. Internet Download manager version 6.21 build 16 Pre-registered
11. Glary Utility v.5.7
12. Team viewer 10.0.36244 Corporate
13. java v.8
14. Vlc Media Player 2.1.5
15. Winrar 5.20
16. Dotnet Frmae work 4.5.3
17. File zilla
18. Adobe Air Installer
19. Other Windows update with last updates + IE 11
Different Desktop will b different log off and login screen
Added new Christmas sound
MS Dart for Recovery+repairing
New Boot Style
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