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Does anyone have any information on whether or not this would be a useful purchase?

Sales Page:

Not quite sure exactly how it would affect various sellers.

Thanks 12days
Not sure how useful the information would be but here are the links and you can check them out and let us know:

Magic Button :
Magic Button :


Thanks UC,

Will let you know when I have looked at them.

Thanks again + a rep!

(12-24-2014 02:58 AM)usualcliche Wrote: [ -> ]Not sure how useful the information would be but here are the links and you can check them out and let us know:

Magic Button :
Magic Button :



I am not a lawyer. I do not and have not played a lawyer on television, movie screens, radio or the internet. I do not profess this to be in any way, manner, shape or form of legal advice. It is only one uneducated opinion.

In MY view, under the new VAT (Value Added Tax) laws that go into effect on January 1, 2015, If you are doing ANYTHING whatsoever on the internet selling ANYTHING, you are probably going to get screwed no matter WHERE you live.

In simple layman's terms, Brother, you ain't got a chance in Hell!

Again, this is not legal advice but I would suggest that you either pull the blanket over your head or stick your head in the sand and hope for the best! Welcome

I got this in my email today. Its similar -
Magic Button :
(12-24-2014 11:57 AM)jamalexa Wrote: [ -> ]I got this in my email today. Its similar -
Magic Button :
Thanks jamalexa,

Took a loook at it but wondering exactly what he's got?

The first half of his letter he talks all about the problems with the new EU taxes and then he spends the rest of it talking about making a fortune as an affiliate!

I would venture to say that the one thing he says that makes pretty good sense is; "Paying euro tax is the responsibility of the product seller not the affiliate. And that means no EU tax worries for affiliate marketers!" I further guess that is why he implies that being an affiliate is much better off.

Might check some more into his plan but I'm still just a little warry.

Anywho, thanks for the info and a Merry Christmas and a Happy new year's to all!!

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