12-20-2015, 12:33 PM
(12-19-2015 08:47 PM)taras Wrote: [ -> ]Global Happy Holidays
Not because it is Politically Correct, but because it is an Universal Celebration.
It's not. Christmas is not allowed in Islam, the religion of "peace and love" (same for all other non-muslim holidays).
"The foremost thing to realize is that Christmas is a big innovation which is leading a big part of humanity to shirk (associating partners with God). Christianity has transgressed the limits set by Allah; therefore showing happiness and joy on Christmas, Halloween, Easter, and Good Friday is like shaking hands with Satan and telling him to carry on the good work.
Remember Allah commandment to us in the Quran:
"Help you one another in virtue and righteousness, but do not help one another in sin and transgression. And fear Allah, verily Allah is severe in punishment" [Noble Quran 5:2]
Therefore, a Muslim can't enjoin in any aspect of Christmas in the disguise that Jesus is our Prophet too; we are just honoring him by celebrating Christmas. We should recognize the Bid’ah of Christmas and the Prophet's warning that all Bid’ah should be rejected. Therefore, accepting Christmas invitations, attending Christmas parties, buying small plastic Christmas trees to please the kids (some Muslims actually do) should be avoided.
By greeting Christians with 'merry Christmas' we are legitimizing Christmas, by driving out on Christmas eve to witness the decoration of houses, we are appreciating Bid’ah with our eyes, by placing our kids on the laps of Santa in the malls we are handing them in the hands of a fiend, by closing our Islamic Schools or shops during Christmas we are giving it our silent approval, by selling Christmas items in our shops, we are strengthening the pillars of Kufr."