Well I'm trying to find some keywords with good cpm to start with youtube, but I can't find any.
Can someone give me a 'boost' ?
Thank you!
i have some list of keyword that really help me , my friends and others. hope that may help you also. pm me. if you need.
Can i pls get the list also thanks
maurya, can you please give me the list as well. Thanks a lot!
please give me the list as well.
Technical videos like about programming and gadgets, health related to videos, and gaming. These 3 niches rock big time in youtube.
(12-21-2014 12:42 AM)orionn Wrote: [ -> ]Hello,
Well I'm trying to find some keywords with good cpm to start with youtube, but I can't find any.
Can someone give me a 'boost' ?
Thank you!