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QPCFormula.pdf 0/55


NewbieListBuilding1.pdf 0/54


FPIGenerator.pdf 0/53

Thanks OP - Repped you +5 for the share!


Magic Button :


At first glance, I thought this was a typical WSO - awful sales letter, no comments in the WF thread, bad pics, etc.

The good news is the product isn't horribly poor but it isn't very good either. If you are brand new to the product research side, this will help a bit. If you are experienced in doing the research, conception and development - this will be a waste of time.

The download consists of one 20-page e-book and 2 short briefs - one about list building and the other about quick product creation. Toss the one about list building - it's useless.

The quick product creation guide should have been part of the main e-book - so his fulfillment is muddled. He broke it up to make it appear like more is more. In this case, he should have added it to the primary guide and he would have had a better main product, which is what buyers will weigh more heavily. Your flagship product has to be solid and this one is lacking in many areas.

The QPC guide does have one brief strategy to develop products that can work. All three guides are poorly written. I am grading this based on whether it can be utilized by ANYONE.

Based on this, the main guide and the QPC are just barely acceptable in offering total newbies to product research and creation a very brief and sketchy view. There are one or two critical steps he misses altogether, which exposes him as a newbie himself.

My Grade: 2 / 5 stars

Not horrible but there are some critical steps missing. But I give the guy props for having the guts to put his stuff up for sale in the WF - even if he did not work the "Good Old Boy" WF infrastructure well enough to get endorsements or setup the obligatory network of straw buyers and posters. That omission has/will cost him lots of sales.

He claims to want to put one offer up a week in the WF. He needs to get lots better at lots of things before he takes that leap.

This is suitable for newbies to do very basic product research and creation, but you will need lots more info than he provides in these before you start throwing products out there.

Status: Deleted from my hard drive BUT newbies should take a look.
Thanks a lot for your review
Repped you for your review, thanks.
[Image: fast-idea-3d-223x300.jpg]

Fast Product Idea Generator

Magic Button :

I packed the pdf in rar format and also found 3 other pdf files and packed them in the archive as well....Enjoy

thx and reps
Direct link over here -
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Stop posting duplicate threads.

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(12-21-2014 12:59 AM)Sasquatch Wrote: [ -> ]Stop posting duplicate threads.

Already shared here:
Well perhaps if it was labeled correctly ....I would have seen it was posted already.....lets move on and enjoy all the shares whether dupes or not ;)
@quasar thanks for the review
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