(12-15-2014 12:04 PM)manolo12399 Wrote: [ -> ]Hi Op what do you use to build the mobile sites
Dreamweaver for static HTML5, Wordpress with custom templates for CMS or a custom built PHP script and sometimes a
mixture of all depending on the project.
I pretty much outsource it all now but still like to keep my hand in now and then just to keep up with the latest advancements.
I charge between 500 and 2500 GBP per site also dependent on project but if you're in the $97 market by all means go ahead and use the generators.
I advise clients to have a dedicated mobile landing page and a responsive website.
In fact I advise my client to have a separate landing page altogether if using PPC.
I do get a lot of work fixing the crap other so called consultants have sold them.
The mobile landing pages main purpose is to compel the visitor to call now.
After that if the visitor wishes they can click to view the full responsive site.
Anyone can knock up a wordpress site and throw a responsive theme on it but not many designers consider the useability
of it.
So called web designers are the bain of my life because because they are designers and not marketers. Yes the site looks
pretty and it fits well on a mobile device but useability wise it's flipping hopeless.
They don't compress the images, have different image sizes to load dependent on device, one for desktop one for tablet and another for handheld. They don't structure the load order of scripts to optimise page load time.
No one wants to scroll through 40 yard of footer widgets and the content needs to be delivered in a constructed order.
I've also started experimenting with Google web designer
http://www.google.co.uk/webdesigner/ to see if google gives me any rank kudos for using their code but that is yet to be proven.