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Full Version: Asking for a wordpress theme's creater
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Hi everybdoy, I'm asking if there is a way to create without going through code, I mean make a wordpress theme quickly.

So if there is a way or a software, i'll be thankfull if you share it with me.

Thank you

N.B.: Sorry if these is not the appropriate forum.
You can create a theme with artisteer, only the new version is responsive though.
Yes i have used artisteer 4.1, its not a really good software like i saw in videos or i read about it.

But thank you by the way
(12-15-2014 02:34 AM)ach1991 Wrote: [ -> ]Hi everybdoy, I'm asking if there is a way to create without going through code, I mean make a wordpress theme quickly.

So if there is a way or a software, i'll be thankfull if you share it with me.

Thank you

N.B.: Sorry if these is not the appropriate forum.
I don't really understand what you want to do. If you're trying to create full templates from scratch, without coding - it ain't gonna happen.

If you want to work within a framework, there's all kinds of bootstrap themes you can use and then "drag and drop." You'll still need to do some coding to get things to work properly.

If you're just looking for control over the layout, use a theme like Divi from Elegant; it's responsive, easy to use, drag and drop interface, and versatile.

If you could elaborate a bit more on what it is you want to do, I can help you a little better.
Thank you for your answer, i wanna a software like artisteer create template without coding just drag and drop and then intervene and step in to complete codes
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