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Full Version: [GET] High Paying Clients Training- DareDevil Marketing $197 Copy DL
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THANKS Midastouch for your mirrors and +5 reps.

I just checked my copy link in Post 1, and it is working right now both to immediately, automatically TRANSFER to your copy account. The DOWNLOAD option is also working.

Once again, there is no "first part" and "second part" in the copy link - EVERYTHING is there.

THANKS to all who took the time to comment and rep. I APPRECIATE IT VERE MUCH!
Thanks... Great share.. Reps added...
Was looking for the curse... never got it when it launched.

These guys know what the're talking about. It's mostly the same as told by others (Andrew Patrick, Jim Fleck, Steve Rosenbaum et al).
-prequalify clients before prospecting (ad spent, customer value, revenue, owner operated, years in business)
-concentrates on an agency model (outsource most tasks and profit selling the services)
-puts you into the mangement / sales director seat
-upgrades clients gradually after a smaller buy to other services and consulting

Enjoy people appreciating your stuff. Most of them could never afford your courses.
Now they can start earning with your knowledge - and later buy more stuff from you - IF your are COOL about it NOW!

Cheers, Johnny63
Thank you. Great course. Robert Stukes practices what he preaches. Rep+1 added.
Max reps and thanks to ThaiJack and Santhu (mirror still works!) Nice stuff.
Thanks for the share.
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