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Full Version: [GET] Tsunami Sites 1.95 Latest (WP-Plugin) - video viral thingymadoodad - [NULLED]
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  • Is latest current version direct from updater.
  • Virus free, license check removed.
[Image: tsunami-sites-logo.png]
[Image: howstupid-simple.png]


Download - FIXED
Thank you so much
Max reps added to you. Can you tell me is this a single license or multi site license?
Not work. Plugin could not be activated because it triggered a fatal error. tsunami.php on line 742.
Help Pleas....
(12-14-2014 05:45 PM)sacrat2012 Wrote: [ -> ]Not work. Plugin could not be activated because it triggered a fatal error. tsunami.php on line 742.
Help Pleas....
try this copy over old one
(12-14-2014 05:59 PM)Loomy Wrote: [ -> ]
(12-14-2014 05:45 PM)sacrat2012 Wrote: [ -> ]Not work. Plugin could not be activated because it triggered a fatal error. tsunami.php on line 742.
Help Pleas....
try this copy over old one
the same
Plugin could not be activated because it triggered a fatal error.

Parse error: syntax error, unexpected '$license_options' (T_VARIABLE) in
on line 742
Thank you. rep add
Thanks and max reps added.. What's that exactly? and any video tutorials..

the same error
(12-14-2014 06:27 PM)sacrat2012 Wrote: [ -> ]the same error
First delete all traces... from wp admin if u ever had this runnign b4, any version, uninstall and delete from WP admin, the all in one option

After or IF not, make sur emy version is benched somewhere outside and away from ur wp plyugin get rid of temporarily

Make sure u are running latest Wp 4.x. u have all the common php and apache extenions installed...curll, mcrypt, fileinfo, zip, imagemagick and so on. It would be worth a visit to Tsunami Website to see actual requirements

Though largely ur problem is with the code i removed that checks license, ur failing on the option set, so most likely ur wp is in a state where it hasnt loaded main options for the plugin for some odd reason, idk, u can just comment out that function in its entirety html code too, and see what happens

For now install fresh live plugin downlo0ad by clicking here save the resulting file / rename to .ZIP, and place that in ur WP plugin, or upload to Wp through plugin updater.. Activate it, so that u get through to the locked Tsunami screen, onces its activated ok, just replace with my plugin files. without changing anything at all in admin, ie just copy paste replace files with my nulled ones
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