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(07-10-2018 03:41 PM)smithnowt Wrote: [ -> ]This revived thread had me scratching my head for a minute !!
Then it came to me - the is the former version of what is now Arigato PRO...maybe ??

Looking at their site makes it seem as if all 3 of these things are still current...
1. BroadFast for Wordpress
2. Arigato PRO
3.Broadfast PHP Autoresponder Basic v 2.9, PRO 1.1.
(Notice how the links for 1 and 2 are the same though they are listed with different names ??)

To make it even more confusing - this page:
Is entitled "BroadFast Autoresponder Feature List"

It would be great if someone who is experienced with multiple autoresponder options would make a new (tutorial ??) thread about which free, self-hosted and/or low cost options are the best and most inclusive - that would be hugely helpful !!!
(Go ahead - try searching on 'autoresponder' here...I double-dog dare you.)

Well-spotted, smithnowt ... i've used arigato (an older version) in the past - I liked it a lot, but couldn't find an update (which has the features I particularly need) - currently I mostly use wp mailster plugin with sparkpost (10,000 emails free per month) - this works very well for me - I don't much like external services having control over my lists, etc, - sparkpost has excellent delivery rate - and much cheaper than many other options
Thanks Edgey !!
I too prefer self-hosted apps most of all.

One option which still seems attractive to me is Mautic, self-hosted.
Apparently it can be a PITA to set up right.
Another member here had offered a cheatsheet for it, but then sort of disappeared.
There are free tutorials for it online though, so all is not lost.
Personally I'd love to have such a cheatsheet as reading works better for me than video.

Thanks and Best Wishes.
(+Rep added, of course.)
A decent load of usable info in my post about this subject, here:
Need an AR ?? Perhaps use Mautic.
Thanks to tiger777 for sharing this. Reps added.

Also, thanks to NOMORE for the mirror and tuts links. Repped you too!

And Thanks to those who have shared more mirror links.
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