09-02-2018, 05:14 PM
(07-10-2018 03:41 PM)smithnowt Wrote: [ -> ]This revived thread had me scratching my head for a minute !!
Then it came to me - the is the former version of what is now Arigato PRO...maybe ??
Looking at their site makes it seem as if all 3 of these things are still current...
(Notice how the links for 1 and 2 are the same though they are listed with different names ??)Code:
1. BroadFast for Wordpress
2. Arigato PRO
3.Broadfast PHP Autoresponder Basic v 2.9, PRO 1.1.
To make it even more confusing - this page:
Is entitled "BroadFast Autoresponder Feature List"
It would be great if someone who is experienced with multiple autoresponder options would make a new (tutorial ??) thread about which free, self-hosted and/or low cost options are the best and most inclusive - that would be hugely helpful !!!
(Go ahead - try searching on 'autoresponder' here...I double-dog dare you.)
Well-spotted, smithnowt ... i've used arigato (an older version) in the past - I liked it a lot, but couldn't find an update (which has the features I particularly need) - currently I mostly use wp mailster plugin with sparkpost (10,000 emails free per month) - this works very well for me - I don't much like external services having control over my lists, etc, - sparkpost has excellent delivery rate - and much cheaper than many other options