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Full Version: [HELP] WP plugin that can copy amazon reviews.
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Hey guys,

Good day.
Just wondering if there is a wp plugin that can copy the amazon product review and put it straight on the the comment section.
I am newbie to this scene.

Im using woocommers aff plugin to import product from amazon.
My problem is.. after i imported a product and try to view the specific product page.. the amazon reviews can be seen on the 2nd tab of the product details box. and the comment section of the page is blank.
My question is.. is there a plugin that can automatically copy or grab the reviews when you import the a product from amazon and put it on the comment section of the specific product page.

I am afraid that this is not allow as I post the comment on my site and get banned by Amazon.
if it is indeed pulling the comments ( to ur 2nd tab on ur product on ur WP site) then yes u can just edit the code to create attach a comment instead.

As for the ban, just create a fake user or attach it to a user with a different name, and have a little search and replace that will swap out a few basic words, that would deter any crawler amazoo might hv searching 4 any stolen reviews. unless they chk manual which i highly doubt
or just get a wp plugin that blocks the robots and add the amaz robot to the list. Something like spyderspanker pro or link privacy
use wp robot 3

(06-16-2015 07:22 PM)aliba2010 Wrote: [ -> ]use wp robot 3
WP Robot is an autoblogging and content curation plugin that allows you to create WordPress blogs without getting your hands dirty! By drip-feeding quality content related to any niche WP Robot makes sure your sites stay fresh and updated. Even when you are sleeping.

Thanks to unmatched functionality, great support and regular updates since 2009 WP Robot has rightfully earned the title of best autoblogging plugin. Today the software is used on over 1 million WordPress blogs.
deleted comment, due to after i read your comment twice i realized i wrote something irrelevant...
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