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Ride the next 8 Billion $ wave: Develop app for Android Wear

Get into the next gold rush by developing application for Android Wear. Android Wear app market value's 8 Billion dollar

Magic Button :
[Code] [/Code]
Nice coupon! Rep given!

Gotta tell ya, udemy actually has some good stuff on there and I appreciate the coupons!
Nice share ! + Rep
Great share Thanks a lot :) +5
Thxs Chocobee. +5Reps GTY. Interesting new market: ;-)
yes it is nice new market op, motley fool keep trying to get me to buy into it too
thanks for share and when I have rep+ will provide one
Thanks for the share Chocobee. Rep +5 given to you!
[size=x-large][color=#009900][b]NEW CODE:[/b][/color][/size]

Magic Button :
Code is sold out again.
Any new coupons guys....
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