CPA Income Boss
The 7 step system that we use to setup simple little CPA campaigns that pulls in over $20 a day.
You will learn:
The 1 magic word we use to break into any CPA network.
Exactly how we pick an offer and research it in under 5 minutes.
The exact traffic source we use to generate dirt cheap clicks.
Exactly how we set up super optimised, high ROI traffic Campaigns.
How we track and tweak these campaigns to maximise ROI even more.
Exactly how we scale up the winning campaigns as much as we like.
Review: Get an account with Adpad. That's all folks! Get 0.05$ clicks (which will never happen), you won't see any traffic for under 0.15$ and even then it will come in very small trickles.
Elbhara do a search before you post...everything you're posting today has already been shared. We don't want duplicate posts everywhere.
I agree with raidernation. This has already been shared. Thanks Bravo for the advice about needing to spend at least $0.15 per click as I have set up a campaign with them and it's been running for almost 48 hours and not one click.
(12-08-2014 05:53 AM)moebi69 Wrote: [ -> ]I agree with raidernation. This has already been shared. Thanks Bravo for the advice about needing to spend at least $0.15 per click as I have set up a campaign with them and it's been running for almost 48 hours and not one click.
It's a joke. I have set a campaign at $0.20 for a auto insurance offer, 600 keywords, all broad and have received 9 clicks in 2 days. I think it's time to move on.
Adpad doesn't allow 0.05$ CPC, must be minimum 0.15$.
(12-08-2014 05:28 AM)elbhara Wrote: [ -> ]CPA Income Boss
The 7 step system that we use to setup simple little CPA campaigns that pulls in over $20 a day.
Why bother wasting your time to make $20 day! Don't you have better things to do! I wouldn't turn on my computer to make $20.
Stop looking for the shiny object master one traffic source, become the king of that traffic source, test, test, test nad do some more testing. You'll make a s.hit load more cash than the measly $20 they are taking about. BSO wasting peoples time but if you want to s.uck your time dry then follow these i.diots and put in the work and maybe collect your $20!
People will never learn
Good Luck!
P.S NOTHING beats hard work put in the effort, sow the seeds and then reap the rewards. Will it be easy, NO. Will it take some time, YES, but the time will be well spent if you learn and apply the basics. Forget these b.ullshit BSO's
Adpad does not indicate to you when setting up a campaign that you must spend at least 0.05 cents per click, in fact the minimum according to their website is 0.0100 (1 cent). I have tried at 0.05 cents with no results, now I have gone to 0.15 cents and contacted support. I don't expect to get any good traffic from them as most of the feedback I have read on the internet about the company is negative with many claiming they use bots. I only deposited $20 into an account so I will take the loss and see what sort of clicks I get for the $20. I will not use them again as 0.15 cents per click seems quite excessive for inconsistent traffic.
I found the complain link about Adpad here
thanks for your share men