Hey, guys, it's so easy to miss these new threads if no-one posts!
I tell you what I do...
...I have a quick look on the first page of this forum and then I choose 'Sort by:Creation Time' from the drop down selection at the bottom of the page and hit 'GO'.
That brings up stuff that you'd miss if not enough people are commenting on the thread. This is one of them!
1. Create an 'authority' blog
2. Get on to WarriorPlus and choose 10 WSOs to promote
3. Contact the vendor with how you're going to promote
4. Review the WSO on your blog based on the sales copy
5. Put up a squeeze page and create a Lead Magnet to build a list
6. Publish more content (like interview a product creator or two)
7. Offer bonuses to your list when you promote
8. Build affiliate marketing keywords into your posts for SEO
9. Post messages on the WF to get traffic
10. Follow the daily action plan while I wipe your botty and pull up your pants...
...the worst part of these videos is that this guy talks to you like you were 7 years old. I mean, I know most Warriors have a mental age of 10, but even this tone is beneath them.
Maybe this guy was a kindergarden teacher in his former life (or still is)! OMG, listen to this "the Google bots, the mysterious little creatures that work like spiders crawling all over your posts" - do we really have to sit through this?
Here's more "it's really helpful to title your posts with 'product name' review because people search for this all the time. One option is to actually take the product name and put it in your title with the word 'review' after it because people often put this in the Google search box'.
Maybe I've been a little unkind. This IS a workable system, but it does take a lot of work continually creating content.
There are a host of WSO review sites out there, most of which are autoblogs and so are worthless. It can't be that difficult to beat them. I've been doing this, on and off, for years but it's pretty boring to keep it up. Especially considering the worthlessness of most wsos.
Here's a hint:
put the word [GET] at the head of your post title. You'd be surprised how many people are looking for that (or maybe you wouldn't)!
Anyway, rep to the OP for helping me to destroy my laptop in screaming frustration (after a living nightmare in which I was back in primary school class/first grade) and make me go and buy a new one!
P.S. I'm not going to make mirrors - I wouldn't want to be responsible for the final mental state of other BBHrs who might actually make it through to Module 5 and find they've pooped their diapers!