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Full Version: [GET] ThemeForest - Florence v1.0 - A Responsive WordPress Blog Theme
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[Image: florence.png]

Allow your content to shine with Florence, a classically crisp blog theme. Featuring both sidebar and full-width layouts, a variety of post layout options, and numerous sidebar and footer widgets, Florence excels at exhibiting your work in an airy and cohesive presentation. Crafted on a foundation of solid coding and bolstered with plentiful color, background, and general theme options, relax in knowing that Solo Pine’s acclaimed customer support is by your side.


http://[Reported by Members as SPAM THREAD]/thz00coz
Thanks for share do you have version 1.2.1?
Awesome - looking for 1.2.1 as well

(02-15-2015 11:32 PM)funkychicken Wrote: [ -> ]Copy mirror

Where is now Florence Theme v.1.2.1?
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