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Full Version: [GET] Automated Lead Machine
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Excellent share for the community. +5 rep and thanks.
Thanks for sharing
Many thanks JS.
Thank you for the share. Rep added!
Just so everyone knows - the Vimeo links will not work. This is because they are private. The product owner set up the videos to only be viewed through his membership area. Because we're trying to access the direct link, it's not working.

We would be screwed if every product shared here had videos that were hosted the same way!
Great Stuff TY Repped
Thanks for the share. Reps added.

Anyone having the oto "The cold call machine" please share... thanks.
(11-30-2014 10:16 AM)cratz Wrote: [ -> ]Just so everyone knows - the Vimeo links will not work. This is because they are private. The product owner set up the videos to only be viewed through his membership area. Because we're trying to access the direct link, it's not working.

We would be screwed if every product shared here had videos that were hosted the same way!
all you need to do is download them and then re-up them as long as you have access of course
Thanks Johnny +reps!
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