Hi guy's and girl's! Looking for someone who have 40 usd (for one top spot) or 100 usd (for 3 top spot) and i will help you to get top of google fast within your niche. Skype id - parsi19881. Hurry up! Offer is just for few hour's!
Hi guy's and girl's! Looking for someone who have 40 usd (for one top spot) or 100 usd (for 3 top spot) and i will help you to get top of google fast within your niche. Skype id - parsi19881. Hurry up! Offer is just for few hour's!
I think its time the mods look into you. Nothing personal but you are on here begging for people to invest there money into something for as long as i have been a member here. I got suckered into your nonsense when i first joined. You want people to buy courses for you because you dont have a penny.ever. Look into your history, loads of JV requests but even the thread you start with "GET" are actually you looking for someone to invest as well, you are just putting "Get" in the title to try hide your begging. Seriously everyone just check his threads. It sounds like im being a d**** when i really dont mean too but enough is enough. Go onto Odesk and start writing articles to get some start up money. No one here is going to pay the way for you
I think its time the mods look into you. Nothing personal but you are on here begging for people to invest there money into something for as long as i have been a member here. I got suckered into your nonsense when i first joined. You want people to buy courses for you because you dont have a penny.ever. Look into your history, loads of JV requests but even the thread you start with "GET" are actually you looking for someone to invest as well, you are just putting "Get" in the title to try hide your begging. Seriously everyone just check his threads. It sounds like im being a d**** when i really dont mean too but enough is enough. Go onto Odesk and start writing articles to get some start up money. No one here is going to pay the way for you
just reported you. Next time follow the forum rule !
Has anyone else been suckered by him?. I just got into the scene around a year ago and he was one of the first people i spoke to. Said he had a method and just needed to buy something. It was only $20 or something but i bought it and gave him it and nothing came of it. Naive i know but i cant be the only one here who has spent money on his "ideas". If anyone else has bought him something he needed, let us know and we can see just how much times he has pulled this trick. Its a form of scamming IMO. Im working my ass off trying to learn and become successful at all this. I dont have my hand out hoping someone will pay for me. Its BS if people are being caught when there new to all this like i was
(12-02-2014 06:58 AM)rainbowdrifter Wrote: [ -> ]Has anyone else been suckered by him?. I just got into the scene around a year ago and he was one of the first people i spoke to. Said he had a method and just needed to buy something. It was only $20 or something but i bought it and gave him it and nothing came of it. Naive i know but i cant be the only one here who has spent money on his "ideas". If anyone else has bought him something he needed, let us know and we can see just how much times he has pulled this trick. Its a form of scamming IMO. Im working my ass off trying to learn and become successful at all this. I dont have my hand out hoping someone will pay for me. Its BS if people are being caught when there new to all this like i was