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Magic Button :

-many thanks
+ Reps added

Very cool-- everybody needs this!!!

My introduction-
  • I'm a copywriter for marketing ideas and techniques on the internet.
  • What I really do is reveal the most valuable key components of marketing solutions.
  • Because no one who wants to stay successful can afford to waste any time on "almost".
Great Abe! Nice learning more about you!
This is a good one Many Thanks.
The best ideas and approaches are simple.

Use this to build an elevator pitch, too.
Max Reps and here are some mirrors including a zippy:

Magic Button :

1- Tell them what you do. Keep it simple.

2- Tell them what you REALLY do.

Keep it much, much simpler than you think you ought to.

Pretend that you’re speaking to a little kid.

3- Tell them WHY you do what you do.

Or, if you’ve already covered that part, just ask a question to spark a back-and-forth

Hey, could be helpful.
Very nice, thanks for sharing (reps given).
As a communication coach, this could be useful for me ^^
(11-26-2014 04:06 PM)manythanks Wrote: [ -> ]Free, no-cost, no opt-in pdf gift for my friends

Direct download:

Magic Button :

-many thanks
(11-26-2014 04:06 PM)manythanks Wrote: [ -> ]Simple ..much thanks
Your welcome, FatDogSEO
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