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Chameleon Social Network Dating Script
[Image: a08114999eac.png]
You can use Chameleon when you want to create a social networking or a
dating website, or a hibrid of both. You can also use it to create any
other type of websites: a video sharing one, a music sharing website,
Framework based software
If you want to change your
website all you need to do is upload the new framework to the folder
“_frameworks” on your hosting. Immediately you will see the new
framework in the admin cp and will be able to choose it.
Powerful admin cp
the administrator you can control all the features of your website,
switch them on and off, ban users, check the contents they upload,
receive payments from the users, edit templates, and a lot more.
Mobile devices support
the website is visited on a phone, the script automatically redirects
the user to the mobile version, ligher and faster to operate on a mobile
phone. The mobile version has almost the same number of features as the
“big” website.
3DCity Module
One of the favourite features
of all the users is 3DCity which can be run in an ordinary browser.
This is a perfect way of interacting for those who still have fear to
see each other in person.
Professionally developed games
users need something to be attracted by to your website. The studies
show that games are the best way to get a user back online. Gaming makes
people happy and helps to interact.
Smart Profile
member feels unique so we developed a special means of underlining the
uniqueness, the Smart Profile. Here the user can draw, publish videos
and music, change background colors, etc.
GEO social networking
a user may want to show where he is now. In many online communities, it
is as important to know where someone is as it is to know what their
background or interests are.
100% open source
The script
comes unencrypted, this means you can edit it as you wish and add
features, or you can hire a freelancer to do it for you. The code is
plain and simple PHP and any programmer can understand it.
Payment integration
can accept payments on the website, usually these are payments for
memberships or services. The prices are set up by you in the admin cp,
you can set any price to any payment plan.
Multi language support
are about 15 languages already installed in the package, but you can
also add your own languages, just translating the website phrase by
phrase. It usually takes about 3 hours to translate it to your language.
Migration from other scripts possible
often our clients want to migrate their users to our software to try
something new. It is absolutely possible and we usually help with this,
if the customer can not do this himself.

Demo Here:

Download Here:
Does this need to be nulled?
reupload please...dead link
dead link....

this version is not nulled, it was placed here by the author :\
hey you're here face a discount,
for the members who are interested
I am selling this script 50$ + android and ios app
Version 3.2 nulled
please help me ,how put games in template urban?
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