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Full Version: How to host a site on a VPS?
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Tried searching for a day yesterday via google still cant find answers.

My stats, Godaddy has already directed the site to the IP of the VPS we
created, the IP is on A "type". VPS Guys wont help us cause they only
support everything in my dedies and not about the site

Got IIS installed but no next steps. While posting this Im still trying
to get answers via IIS. Yesterday I tried using WAMP and problems just
keeps on laying eggs, so I quit WAMP and move to IIS.

1--- Anyone can help here how to host a site via VPS easily?

2---We have a Dedicated Server with tons of IP address. If I host 1 site
= 1 IP address will it look like I hosted all my PBN's on hostgator
Shared Hosting or is it different in the eyes of Google?

Why are u using windows ?

I can give you a hand and maybe save you some while i am it

Send me a pm , so we can get a conversation going
Why use WIMP or WAMP when you can use LAMP or better? Nxinx server and good control panel like ISPConfig, KloxoMR or cPanel (paid).
yeah i dont know anything about Linux. BUt I think i got it all figured out.

IIS worked perfectly there :)
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