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(11-29-2014 10:27 AM)blackhawk12 Wrote: [ -> ]
(11-29-2014 10:21 AM)♕ Lord Krafty ♕ Wrote: [ -> ]
(11-29-2014 10:02 AM)blackhawk12 Wrote: [ -> ]Hey Lord Krafty would you advise setting up a seperate YT account to our 'established' one?

Are we advised how to properly set-up + configure our new channels?

How do we stock the new channels?

Thanks for taking the time to answer :)


Great questions! :)

The course includes a secret to phone verify unlimited accounts.
I advise creating like 25 video channels to stay safe. :)
Yep all the secret sauce included in the blueprint including three programs created by me specifically for youtube. :)

I hope you are having a great day!


Randy Gardner
Thanks Randy...can you please be a little more specific on the channel content generation (without
giving anything away) ie. do we have to source the relevant content and if so are we given specific
instruction how to do so?

I have a Maxbounty account so am i good to go there?

Thanks again :)

Always happy to answer questions and provide support. :)

Yep! The course has got the best way of getting premium material. The 10 video course covers the total process while I create a perfect channel, and how I think and all the secrets and am always happy to provide support. :)

Perfect! I love MaxBounty and am monetizing each channel with MaxBounty, the video has a tutorial on split testing and optimizing cpa w yt and two more cool monetization secrets. :).

You'll be amazed

I hope you are having a great day!


Lord Krafty
Hi OP, do you have earning proof for your course?
(11-29-2014 05:51 PM)gossapril Wrote: [ -> ]Hi OP, do you have earning proof for your course?

Good morning!

Just perfected the blueprint three weeks ago and am optimizing the earning with each mega traffic generating channel. :)
The course includes three monetization technique, beginner and two advanced you'll love very much. :)
Always happy to provide support setting up the monetization! :)

I hope you are having a great day!


Lord Krafty
Is this works for India, bcoz I think, Maxbounty and other some sites won't accept Indian affiliates..
(12-01-2014 12:50 AM)nagarajnow Wrote: [ -> ]Is this works for India, bcoz I think, Maxbounty and other some sites won't accept Indian affiliates..


I think MaxBounty accepts every country in the world. :)

The advanced monetization definitely works with every one. :)

I hope you are having a great day!

Best Regards,

Lord Krafty
I prefer the method which have proofs. So, I'll wait when you've your earning results.
(12-01-2014 12:29 PM)gossapril Wrote: [ -> ]I prefer the method which have proofs. So, I'll wait when you've your earning results.

Good morning,

I have just perfected the blueprint this month and will upload the earning proof when I have perfected the best monetization method and scaled it. The best proof at atm is the channel which generated almost 7000 views the first day with 24 videos uploaded fully optimized in 20 seconds each with the help of the programs included with the purchase. :)

I hope you are having a great day!


Lord Krafty
I guess it is better to show some earnings proof here , considering the gaurantee you are giving
Hi L.K.
Thanks again for the copy of your latest BSO.I am still going setting it up but it is very easy and it will definitely earn me money.Having prob downloading at the moment.Prob with youtube I believe .Could you please pm me for a alternative for the downloads.Could you also please send me updated version with the monetization options.Cant wait till I get it going.Krafty has outdone himself again and I will buy any BSO he creates.Your a legend L.K

Is there any additional set up and running costs after we buy the bso - like do we have to buy these videos etc
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