Udemy is all about $$$$ and less about Quality. Now I don't mean to say you won't find good courses on Udemy but the crap courses far outweigh the more watchable ones. I recently had to unsubscribe from Udemy's newsletter because of the sheer amount of spam emails I was getting everyday from Udemy. I know its hard to believe but Udemy is just another platform for marketers to milk more money. Heck I have seen courses where people simply ripped off free courses from youtube and posted to Udemy under their own name. Yes its that bad.
Also, the ridiculous price people charge at Udemy is simply an illusion because once upon at a time Udemy had a reputation for providing high class premium education similar to other MOOC's such as coursera, openeducation etc. Now people are riding on that mini reputation and charging courses at their will when in reality their course content is absolutely thin and of low quality. Its sad but Udemy is all about profit and gains rather than quality and value.
Thanks bro for your valuable input +5REP
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To some extent, I somewhat agree to @[color=#00ff00][color=#00ff00][b]charismo[/b][/color][/color]. A lot of teachers have started to publish courses on Udemy for the sake of publishing and somehow mint money. It may seem that Udemy makes the courses available to public while they are still in progress, but this is half truth. Complete truth is that courses do not appear in Udemy marketplace until they have been approved. Before approval, you can get to a course only if you have its link.
Teachers are free to release the courses they want. It is ultimately the students who decide how much hit any course becomes. If a course is poor and if some (paid) students into it, they would help others by their review. If a course is good and if students think it ain't overpriced, they would till help with the help of reviews. It is ultimately the reviews and rate at which students enroll that makes any course earning on Udemy. Some people might treat Udemy like a gold mine, but to get gold, you must give something good first :)
Thanks indianphoenix for your post. Rep added also.
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[font=Comic Sans MS][url]https://www.udemy.com/rapid-web-development-with-bootstrap-apex-and-docker/[/url][/font]
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Instructor of the course here. Thanks for joining the course. I have kept it free for now. I'm not sure if it is quality enough to actually charge for it yet. I wonder if the folks on this forum could give me some insight into the reason that so many folks from blackhatforum download Udemy Courses. Is it to repost or do most of them want to actually take the course. I have no problem with either one. I am just curious as I see so many students coming from this forum and I wanted to understand the audience better. Also, just to comment on this course, in particular. The course shows you how to get up and running really really quickly with a production-ready environment on the cheap. Also, there is no coding skills required. APEX is all point and click and Bootstrap just makes it look nice. Let me know if there is anything you guys want to see in the course, and I'll try to get it added (within reason).
Thank you got my a free coupon1