(10-01-2015 12:59 PM)rahwongmongapa Wrote: [ -> ]Link : Custom Facebook Pro
Working for me. Pls cek.
Hi,thanks for share,when i install a free version it works,but when i install this version,it cause my page not to load,there is something strange here.
can you tell us how to get your going?
(10-06-2015 01:48 PM)rahwongmongapa Wrote: [ -> ]Sorry. This is the fix one :
Custom Facebook Pro
thx bro,this one work.does it need the licences and do you have the extensions for it?
(10-01-2015 12:59 PM)rahwongmongapa Wrote: [ -> ]Link : Custom Facebook Pro
Working for me. Pls cek.
The file you’re looking for has been moved or deleted. Mirror it, please. Thanks. +REP added

Anyone have the extensions for it? Upload it please. Thx
+5 Rep Added
Thanks mate!
Hi...any updates on this or some similar facebook feed, event feed plug in? the free ones on wordpress are dumb, any suggestions? thnks
Anybody have this plugin?