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Many user have asked this question "does anyone have monthly slides from Explaindio" and I am also curious to know the answer of this question.

If anyone know answers to this question than please please please post the link or enlighten us with your answer.
Thanks reps given
(03-17-2015 05:12 AM)earningmoneyfast Wrote: [ -> ]Many user have asked this question "does anyone have monthly slides from Explaindio" and I am also curious to know the answer of this question.

If anyone know answers to this question than please please please post the link or enlighten us with your answer.
The answer to your question is....


No one has any extra slides.

Why don't you buy some and share them here for everyone?

Sharing is caring :-)
(03-24-2015 12:18 AM)vascar7007 Wrote: [ -> ][REQ]

Share plisss


Already shared here on BBHF.

SEARCH for it like everyone else does!


Exclusive To Explaindio Customers Only!
Add Animated Presenters To Your Explaindio Projects In Minutes!
A HUGE Collection of Animated SWF Presenter Characters (+PNG Files Too!)

has not been shared yet ...
Locate and already there but not one like this ...
We would appreciate if you can show me the link
Can not use After 2 Day.
Error checking Licence. Please try again.
(03-25-2015 07:25 PM)laypway3 Wrote: [ -> ]Can not use After 2 Day.
Error checking Licence. Please try again.


You probably have it blocked from internet.

Works perfectly for me.


someone will have this good thank you very much
thanks for share. ++Reps
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