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Did you know that sixty-percent of the Unites States population
alone is dealing with at least one symptom of digestive dysfunction?

You name it — gas, bloating, heartburn, abdominal pain, candida,
constipation, diarrhea — the statistics say that YOU are more than
likely experiencing one or more of them, right now at this very moment.

Living with digestive problems has become the new normal. Typically, they
begin as minor complaints — a little indigestion here and there, the
occasional tummy ache or bout of heartburn.

Sooner or later, what was once a minor annoyance becomes something that can
literally take over your life. This usually happens for two reasons —
embarrassment and ignorance.

Let me explain.

Let’s be honest, no one goes out of their way to talk about their digestive
problems. What happens on the other side of the bathroom door has become
the most taboo of topics, a private matter requiring the utmost

Unfortunately, there is no “bathroom therapist” office to sit in safety and speak
freely about your bowel issues. Instead, you keep it to yourself and
hope it will all go away with time.

It doesn’t.

And that’s when you find yourself in the doctor’s office, finally revealing
every detail of what you’ve been going through for months, maybe

At some point during this cathartic
act of courage you realize that you’ve used up all 12 minutes of your
allotted appointment time and suddenly find yourself in the pharmacy
with a prescription for a drug that comes with two pages of side

No exam. No testing. No investigation whatsoever into what may be causing your symptoms.

Just ignorance in the form of a pill.

What now?

THAT is the very question hundreds of millions of people worldwide are asking about their digestive problems.

Today, I've come with the answer.

The truth is that “modern day” medicine has fallen as much as 17 years
behind the latest research. In other words, almost two decades will pass
before your doctor recommends what actually works.

Chances are, your doc is unaware of the growing number of research studies demonstrating these alarming findings:

- The toxicity of persistent constipation may cause common, everyday symptoms like fatigue, attention deficit, and brain fog.

Autoimmune conditions like Hashimoto’s thyroiditis, rheumatoid
arthritis, and multiple sclerosis are almost always rooted in digestive

- The inflammation from
gut dysfunction can spread throughout the body, causing inflammation in
the brain, joints, and other important organs.

By the way, inflammation in the gut may also shut down your body’s ability to burn fat. Not good.

doctors are either unaware of this information or don’t care to know.
Meanwhile, people like you are paying the price in unnecessary suffering
and medical bills.

This has to stop. Now.

that’s why our friend Sean Croxton of Underground Wellness — a real
life health crusader — put together a FREE online event called The
Digestion Sessions, featuring 25 on-camera expert interviews and
gut-healing cooking classes on all things digestion — so you can get the
answers you’ve been looking for. Without the 17-year wait.

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